
Welcome To Aasha the Life of Hope Foundation

We observed that many people living under flyovers were sustaining without or very minimum food and nutrion intake for days.


Welcome To Aasha the Life of Hope Foundation

We observed that many people living under flyovers were sustaining without or very minimum food and nutrion intake for days.


Welcome To Aasha the Life of Hope Foundation

We observed that many people living under flyovers were sustaining without or very minimum food and nutrion intake for days.


Welcome To Aasha The Life Of Hope Foundation

We Observed that many people living adivasi village panvel were sustaining without or very minimum food and nutrion intake for days

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  About Us

Aasha the Life of Hope Foundation

We observed that many people living under flyovers were sustaining without or very minimum food and nutrion intake for days. This made us take certain acons for helping them by providing them with the required nutrion. No medical aid was available and there were a lot of individuals who had major infecons and zero treatment sources for medical aenon. Hence we tried to provide them with medical help for their physical illnesses and other health-related issues. And this is how we started our journey to create “Asha the Life of Hope Foundaon” for making a change in society leading towards a beer tomorrow. We believe in helping those who deserve to be happy but aren't able to avail and reach the resources they need.

We also founded the Snehalaya Ashram in the Turbhe region with a capacity of 15 individuals. This Ashram is home to those senior cizens who are abandoned by their children and le on roadsides. We took them to the Ashram and take good care of their health and provided them with all the basic needs and facilies.

More About

Our Vision

Our vision is to get achivements for a good and healthy society.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve the society.Kind of serving for society at one’s best level.

Our Objectives

To promote community institutions of vulnerable & deprived community .

Program Area Activities

Activities By Aasha.

2020-2021 service-image

Food distribuon to poor & hungry

We are becoming more and more aware of how our nutrion a?ects both our physical and emoonal health. Students who do not have access to appropriate nourishing meals are not able to succeed academically.

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2020-2021 service-image

Distribuon of clothes

Having good clothes to wear every day, is not a possibility for many people in our country. During the day and as well as night, our volunteers conducted a ?eld assessment in di?erent areas of Navi Mumbai.

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2020-2021 service-image

Medical camp and HIV Awareness

Some important objecves of organizing a medical camp are that they increase community health awareness and teach residents how to handle communicable and noncommunicable diseases register rare and severe cases .

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2020-2021 service-image

Tution centre for students

Educaon is an instrument for sustainably advancing the economy & naonal development. Educaon promotes the social, emoonal, & psychological development of individuals &, by extension, holisc community development.

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2020-2021 service-image

“Child counselling” to address issue

It is very di?cult for the children of sex workers to live their lives like other children as they are surrounded by many complex problems and issues such as discriminaon & deprived of basic educaon, basic facilies & other basic human rights.

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2020- 2021 service-image

HIV Awareness sessions

One of the most important methods used in the prevenon and management of HIV/AIDS worldwide is the spreading of prevenve informaon and creang awareness about HIV. Inadequate informaon and risky behaviours are two key.

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Our Holistic Interventions

Medical Camp for the general population, We conducted a medical camp for general check-ups which included basic health check-ups, Blood Pressure check-ups, and Blood sugar tesng. Our focus was to check and analyse the basic health status of the general populaon so that we can help them achieve beer health by providing medicines prescribed by our medical professionals. It was organized in the Morve village of Panvel, Navi Mumbai, & was a self-funded program by Asha the Life of Hope Foundaon.

The aim behind organizing this camp was that everyone should have the proper kind of health screening. And when doing so, we needed to take into account aspects like age, lifestyle, family history, and risks.

Medical camp for the Adivasi population

We conducted a medical camp for general check-ups which included basic health check-ups, Blood Pressure check-ups, and Blood sugar tesng. Our focus was to check and analyse the basic health status of the Adivasi populaon residing in the Vangni region of Maharashtra.

We conducted this medical camp in the month of May' 2021. We aimed to help our beneficiaries achieve beer health by providing certain medicines prescribed by our medical professionals. This medical camp program was organized and self-funded by Asha the Life of Hope Foundation.

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Fondraising For The People & Causes You Care About

We know that in our society still there are many areas where education does not reach , we can be the part of providing a better education to those group of kids where they actual in need. our mission is to create a new and innovative country.


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Everything depends on efforts, society is doing its best but we are nothing without you.

Holisc Care and Training

2020-2021 [Continue]

10:00 AM - 15:00 PM, [Monday - Friday]

Health and Wellbeing


10:00 AM - 15:00 PM, Everyday

Old age home for the senior

2021-2022 continue


Care & Education for orphans


10:00 AM - 15:00 PM, [Monday -Friday]