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Medical camp and HIV Awareness 2020-2021

Some important objecves of organizing a medical camp are that they increase community health awareness and teach residents how to handle communicable and noncommunicable diseases; register rare and severe cases and refer them to specialized centres; evaluate the living condions and idenfy the common challenges and obstacles to work on resolving their issues.

By providing free, high-quality medical services and fullbody complete medical examinaons for the underprivileged populaon; we can refer medical cases to surgeries and other complex treatments if required. Therefore, understanding the importance of organizing medical camps, Asha the Life of Hope Foundaon in the month of August organized a health camp for CSE women and their children. This health-oriented camp was held in the red-light area of the Turbhe region of Navi Mumbai.

Individuals who engage in unprotected commercial sexual acvity without any awareness are at an extremely higher risk of geng infected by HIV and other sexually transmied diseases (STDs) and hence HIV awareness is so crucial, especially for such populaons.


Outcomes :
    Our intervenon helped the individuals working in red-light areas by creang awareness regarding HIV, how to prevent HIV, and how to get tested for HIV. We also interacted with them and encouraged them for regular general health check-ups for overall good health.
Output :
    We sensized a total of 100 women working in the red-light areas of Turbhe, Navi Mumbai through our iniave of spreading awareness regarding health and HIV prevenon and intervenon.