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HIV Awareness sessions 2020- 2021

One of the most important methods used in the prevenon and management of HIV/AIDS worldwide is the spreading of prevenve informaon and creang awareness about HIV. Inadequate informaon and risky behaviours are two key obstacles to stopping the spread of HIV. It is important for such individuals who engage in sexual pracces on a very frequent basis to get tested for HIV regularly and know their health status. Because the ideal methods of prevenon or treatment can be chosen by knowing one's current health status.

We conducted an HIV Awareness session with the CSE (Commercially Sexually Exploited) women working and residing in the red-light region of Turbhe, Navi Mumbai. This was a health-oriented self-funded iniave by Asha the Life of Hope Foundaon that took place in the month of November 2021. 


Outcomes :
    We created awareness regarding HIV disease among our parcipants and also explained the prevenve measures to avoid transmission of HIV
Output :
    We encouraged 30 individuals working in the red-light region of Turbhe, Navi Mumbai to parcipate in our HIV awareness camp.

HIV Awareness 2020-2021


Outcomes :
Output :