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“Child counselling” to address issue 2020-2021
It is very di?cult for the children of sex workers to live their lives like other children as they are surrounded by many complex problems and issues such as discriminaon and deprived of basic educaon, basic facilies and other basic human rights.
It is an unfair and insurmountable challenge for them to sustain themselves in a world where their existence is quesoned and do not receive any dignity. And hence oen they try to cope with such mental, emoonal, and somemes physical challenges by indulging in substance use like alcohol consumpon, smoking, taking drugs, and other addicons. This leads them to illiteracy and eventually unemployment and a life full of frustraon and depression. Therefore, they must be made aware of the importance and value of educaon and how to lead a decent life for themselves.
And hence, along with the session on HIV awareness, we also conducted a session which included guidance in the form of home visits in the red-light slum area and counselling sessions to the children about the ill e?ects of addicon in the context of alcohol, smoking, and other drug addicons.
Outcomes :
We were successfully able to get maximum parcipaon and sensized our parcipants (children as well as adolescents) to aend counselling sessions. We helped and supported them to understand their addicon-related issues and aempt towards leading a beer life.
Output :
We encouraged some of the children to engage in counselling sessions by interacng with them and making them comfortable to share their problems with us.